
Biology lessons

Bones in human body??

How many bones in human body? There are 206 bones in human body. Cranial and Facial Bones  (22): frontal bone parietal bone (2) temporal bone (2) occipital bone sphenoid bone ethmoid bone mandible maxilla (2) palatine bone (2) zygomatic bone (2) nasal bone (2) lacrimal bone (2) vomer inferior nasal conchae (2) Ear Bones  (6): malleus (2) incus (2) stapes (2) Throat Bone  (1): hyoid bone Shoulder Bones  (4): scapula or shoulder blade (2) clavicle or collarbone (2) Chest Bones  (25) : sternum (1) ribs (2 x 12) Vertebral Bones  (26) : cervical vertebrae (7) thoracic vertebrae (12) lumbar vertebrae (5) sacral vertebrae (1) coccygeal vertebrae (1) Arm and Forearm Bones  (6) : Humerus (2) radius (2) ulna (2) Hand Bones  (54) : Carpal (wrist) bones: scaphoid bone (2) lunate bone (2) triquetral bone (2) pisiform bone (2) trapezium (2) trapezoid bone (2) capitate bone (2) hamate bone (2)...


What is Cell ? Cell is the structural and functional unit of life.

What is the normal range of serum cholesterol?

Normal range of serum cholesterol in the serum is 130 mg/dl – 250 mg/dl, however it can vary with diet and age.

What is antipyretics?

Antipyretics are the drugs which reduces fever.

What is pyrexia?

Pyrexia is same as fever, meaning that when the body temperature is more than 98.5 F or 37 C, the body indicates having pyrexia or fever.

What is the normal body temperature of humans?

Normal body temperature in human is  98.4 F or 37 C.

How much iron is required by males and females?

Male-- 10 mg/day Females--  15 mg/day Pregnant Females--  20 mg/day