Bones in human body??

How many bones in human body?

There are 206 bones in human body.
Cranial and Facial Bones (22):
  • frontal bone
  • parietal bone (2)
  • temporal bone (2)
  • occipital bone
  • sphenoid bone
  • ethmoid bone
  • mandible
  • maxilla (2)
  • palatine bone (2)
  • zygomatic bone (2)
  • nasal bone (2)
  • lacrimal bone (2)
  • vomer
  • inferior nasal conchae (2)
Ear Bones (6):
  • malleus (2)
  • incus (2)
  • stapes (2)
Throat Bone (1):
  • hyoid bone
Shoulder Bones (4):
  • scapula or shoulder blade (2)
  • clavicle or collarbone (2)
Chest Bones (25):
  • sternum (1)
  • ribs (2 x 12)
Vertebral Bones (26):
  • cervical vertebrae (7)
  • thoracic vertebrae (12)
  • lumbar vertebrae (5)
  • sacral vertebrae (1)
  • coccygeal vertebrae (1)
Arm and Forearm Bones (6):
  • Humerus (2)
  • radius (2)
  • ulna (2)
Hand Bones (54):
  • Carpal (wrist) bones:
    • scaphoid bone (2)
    • lunate bone (2)
    • triquetral bone (2)
    • pisiform bone (2)
    • trapezium (2)
    • trapezoid bone (2)
    • capitate bone (2)
    • hamate bone (2)
  • Metacarpus (palm) bones:
    • metacarpal bones (5 × 2)
  • Digits of the hands (finger bones or phalanges):
    • proximal phalanges (5 × 2)
    • intermediate phalanges (4 × 2)
    • distal phalanges (5 × 2)
Pelvic Bones (2):
  • hip bone (innominate bone or coxal bone) (2)
Leg Bones (8):
  • femur (2)
  • patella (2)
  • tibia (2)
  • fibula (2)
Foot Bones (52):
  • Tarsal (ankle) bones:
    • calcaneus (heel bone) (2)
    • talus (2)
    • navicular bone (2)
    • medial cuneiform bone (2)
    • intermediate cuneiform bone (2)
    • lateral cuneiform bone (2)
    • cuboid bone (2)
  • Metatarsus bones:
    • metatarsal bone (5 × 2)
  • Digits of the feet (toe bones or phalanges):
    • proximal phalanges (5 × 2)
    • intermediate phalanges (4 × 2)
    • distal phalanges (5 × 2)


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