Functions of Roots
Primary functions of roots:-
1. They help in fixing the plant firmly with the soil.
2. The roots absorb water and mineral salts.
3. It binds the soil.
Secondary functions of roots:-
1. Root floats:- They help in floating. e.g jussiaea
2. Reproductive roots:- They can help in multiplication of plants i.e vegetative propagation e.g. sweet potato.
3. Hygroscopic roots:- They can absorb the water from atmosphere with the help of special tissue velamen e.g Vanda
4. Assimilatory roots:- They help in synthesis of food e.g:- Podostemon
5. Respiratory roots:- They may serve for respiration e.g:- Rhizophora.
6. Storage of food:- They can store the food by becoming fleshy e.g:- Radish
7. Helping plants to climb:- They may help in climbing the weak stem e.g:- Pothos
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